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College athletes who have suffered from repeated trauma to the head and concussions are at increased risk of developing dementia. Raizner Slania LLP has led the way in lawsuits concerning college football concussions, using our vast experience to help college athletes all around the nation recover damages.
Dementia is not actually a disease, but is a collection of symptoms that can be caused by other diseases. It is a general term denoting a decline in mental ability severe enough to interfere with one’s daily life. Dementia symptoms include impairments in thinking, attention, communicating, visual perception, and memory. While the leading cause of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease (60-80%), dementia can also be caused by brain damage incurred from an injury.
Dementia is not a normal part of aging, a common misconception, and it does not only affect older people. Many dementias are progressive, starting out slowly and getting worse over time. Dementia is caused by damage to the brain cells, which interferes with their ability to communicate with each other. The daily life functions affected by this brain cell damage depend upon which area or areas of the brain are affected.
There are two types of early-onset dementia: presenile dementias and senile dementias with early onset. The factors responsible for the accelerated onset of the illness can vary, but medical studies agree that one factor can be head injury.
There is not a test to determine if a patient has dementia, but doctors can determine if a person has it to a high degree of certainty. The type of dementia can be harder to determine because many symptoms can signify multiple potential diagnoses. Early-onset dementia is often not even looked for, because doctors don’t expect to see it in younger patients.
College athletes that have suffered repeated head trauma are at an increased risk of developing conditions like early onset dementia. The ability to get that diagnosis as a younger person can be challenging, but living with the consequences once you are diagnosed is life altering. If you are a current or former NCAA football player and you have experienced memory problems, you should seek a medical evaluation from a competent and qualified healthcare provider.
The trial lawyers of Raizner Slania have represented clients not only across the United States, but also internationally. Our team is leading the college football concussion lawsuits, helping college athletes around the nation recover damages for head injuries suffered during sports play. If you or someone you know played football in college and suffered from early-onset dementia, contact us today for a confidential free consultation.
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