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ALS, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects the brain and spinal cord. There are two different types of ALS, sporadic and familial – sporadic is the most common (90-95% of cases) and can affect anyone, familial means the disease is inherited genetically. ALS usually affects people between the ages of 40 and 70. One of the most famous individuals diagnosed with ALS is baseball legend Lou Gehrig, causing some to nickname the condition Lou Gehrig’s Disease.
ALS typically involves a gradual onset and both the first warning signs and the rate at which the disease progresses will vary from person to person. Everyone diagnosed with ALS eventually experiences progressive muscle weakness and paralysis. Some of the more common early warning signs of ALS can include:
ALS is difficult to diagnose and virtually impossible to treat. There are several diseases that have the same symptoms as ALS, so it is imperative that you seek treatment from an ALS expert and that you get a second opinion regarding any potential diagnosis. The average life expectancy for an ALS patient is only two to five years from the time of diagnosis. Only 10% of ALS patients will survive for ten years. Less than 1% of patients with ALS will have significant improvement in function lasting 12 months or more.
The trial lawyers of Raizner Slania have represented clients not only across the United States, but also internationally. Our team is leading the college football concussion lawsuits, helping college athletes around the nation recover damages for head injuries suffered during sports play. If you or someone you know played football in college and suffered from ALS or Lou Gehrig’s Disease, contact us today for a confidential free consultation.
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